
Snedkergaarden make furniture designed by Danish furniture designers. Our furniture is both highly functional and aesthetic. We bring the best designers together. Using uncompromising design to create visual harmony with simple lines and finishing details. All of our furniture that is made from solid precious woods is hand-picked for their structure, colour and grain. Instead of becoming worn, our furniture takes on a patina. In fact, our furniture becomes even more beautiful over time. We love to create joy and excitement by paying careful attention to every single detail, no matter how small. Enter our world and let us take you on an adventure. Finn Bruun and Erik Skovgaard have many years of experience in the furniture business and with Erik Skovgaard’s background as a cabinetmaker, they also develop concepts around form and function. They have utilised these concepts into a range of products that can be supplied in dimensions and materials in accordance with individual requirements and preferences. Almost anything is possible – so just ask!


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4 products

DESK Writing DeskDESK Writing Desk
DESK Writing Desk Sale priceCustom Product
ND 82 SofaND 82 Sofa
ND 83 Lounge ChairND 83 Lounge Chair
Trisse ND 106 Sofa Table